key 2 time

posted January 23rd 2023

It has been, I will confess, a really long time since I actually watched the Key to Time arc properly, so my memory of the TV stories is hazy at best. proposed some interestign questions about free will and innocence vs intelligence 'is this what it is to be alive? to fear death?' 'it means no free will - he isn't a guardian of virtue, he's a guardian of control and domination'
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Episode List
Main Range 115b. Forty Five: Order of Simplicity

1. Page 67, Sims, C. 2009. The Dangers of Individualism and the Human Relationship to Technology in Philip K. Dick’s “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?” Science Fiction Studies, 36(1), 67–86. >2. Le Guin, U. 2005. A Rant About Technology. via

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