Welcome to my blog!

posted January 24th 2024

Hello! Chances are, if you're reading this, I've bothered you into doing it, but whether you know me or not, thank you for stopping by!

If you do know me, then you will certainly know that I am more than slightly in love with the audio drama of Big Finish Productions. And if you don't, reading this blog will certainly make that clear quite quickly.

Most of the posts that will follow will be essays and observations about the audio dramas I listen to. I will be biased towards certain series - Gallifrey has owned me for years and I have recently fallen hard for Counter-Measures, but I am also currently slogging my way through the main range in an attempt to finally have caught them all. So, I'm hoping that this will function as a slightly different flavour of review blog because after all, there's a hundred thousand blogs and podcasts dedicated to reviewing Doctor Who and I wanted to do something a little different.

So, here you will not find quippy comments and star ratings, though I expect my feeling towards episodes will not be hidden in any way. There won't be any particular order or logic to the output. Here, about once a week probably, you will find unabashed pretension, an excess of strong opinion, and most of all a lot of love for audio dramas that have changed my life in so many ways.

If that sounds like something you're interested in too, then welcome in. I invite you to come and see what I think. Maybe you won't agree. That's okay. I agree with me. But most of all, I just want to talk Big Finish. And I imagine that, if you're here and keep reading, you do too.